Friday, January 26, 2007

Last meeting, 1/24

Just a summary of what we did at our last meeting- for those who weren't able to make it.
We had a fun time and I'm thankful the majority of you guys were able to come, we missed the rest of you!
We first played a "get to know you" game. Each person had to answer about 30 random questions about themselves and put them in a pile. Then we mixed up all the papers and each chose a different paper. We read out some answers and then tried to guess who the person was, based on their responses.......I really need to get to know you guys better, I missed 11 out of 14! I believe Claire won the game and Daniel Clevinger (I think?) came in 2nd place. Good job guys!

We learned that someone is afraid of holes and Josh Clemens wants his name to be Payton Manning....

Then we played a "musical-chairs" type game...we had 14 people and only 13 chairs. One person stands in the middle of the chairs and has to say something about themselves...Whoever has done the same thing as that person or has that same thing in common has to get up and run and find another chair....Last person standing then says something unique about themselves and it starts over. Jake Zimmerman and Jacob Wilson had to sing songs out loud because they pushed people during this game- naughty naughty. Their voices were average. :) JK

We found out Jenny was treated at a Spanish speaking hospital, all the kids fight over rooms at the monastery, Jeremy can lift 2 million pounds, Jake Z. likes to wrestle girls, all a lot of other useless information.

Be thinking of what you guys want to start talking about during our youth group meetings....any topics...any books we'd like to read together...

Hope to see you again on Wednesday!


Anonymous said...

Well, some of us paid a bit more attention than my wife did. So here's a few corrections to her summary:

1) Elena and Michael tied for second and Michael won a heated paper/rock/scissors match to take home the prize.

2) I want my name to be Peyton, not "Payton."

3) The Jakes didn't sing so much as they just picked a vowel and said it out load for a few seconds.

4) We also found out that Jake Z. likes to light his farts. He's also capable of sewing the holes in his pajamas that are made from these farts.


Claire said...

Yes, it was quite..interesting.
I think both Jakes MAJORLY need singing lessons.
They're worse than me, and that's saying something!!!!

Anonymous said...

claire, lets get something straight. my brother is a better singer than you whether you like it or not. at least he sings within a few keys of the actual note. they're not great, but they are better than you.
