Friday, March 16, 2007

Stay Tuned for Next Meeting

Thanks again to Tim Richardson for his teaching last night. And thanks to everyone who came and learned a few things. Remember that we're not meeting next week, but keep an eye on this blog to see when the next meeting will be. Also remember that this Saturday is the Church Work Day, any amount of time you can spare to help out will be much appreciated. The more, the merrier. Plus, be sure to make it to the service next Thursday evening.

That's all I've got for now. Hope to see you all this weekend!


Bridi said...

shouldn't it be the week of june 10th for the work trip since we normally go up on monday? :)

Anonymous said...

ummm no we're not going up the 10th! that's my birthday and if im going im NOT spending like 8 hours in a car w/ u guys lol i love ya girls!

Anonymous said...

hold on...who said anything about the monestary?
im missing something!!

and i dont want it to be that week either, unless were back by saturday cuz thats MY birthday
and that weeks a fasting week...

Anonymous said...

yeah! we always go fasting weeks and work hard and they feed us SOUP! you dont want soup when you've been working, especially splits pea soup! although it is kinda funny to see elena's face...

Anonymous said...

well, split pea soup is heinous


Anonymous said...

hey this is a cool blog i like it, but what is orthodox thiing?

Anonymous said...

um to anonymous... who are you? and i mean that in the nicest way possible.
and would you please rephrase your question cuz i dont quite know what you mean.

Anonymous said...

hi everyone, my friend told me to sight, it's kinda cool. are you guys from all like a church? i am not orthodox. i really want to know about church and everything but my parents won't let me go =( well cool sight non the less

Bridi said...

um... yeah we're all from the same church- St. Constantine and Elena (tehe I just realised it says that at the top of the page) um there are boys in our group (are you a boy or girl) but they don't normally post. where do you live because if you live near us visitors are welcome at our church.


Anonymous said...

Ignore bridget...she's completely unhelpful.
hinestly, i'm probably not that helpful either. ;)

But...Orthodoxt is a branch of Christianity. We believe that Christ rose from the dead and dided on the cross. ( though i just put those two backwards) we believe in the power of the cross and the saints. we also believe that Holy COmmunioon is the body and blood of Jesus.

Now all of that probably made no sense and sounded a little weird so heres what i'll do.
i'll get josh or clara (our group leaders) to tell you more about it.
that settles everything nicely doesnt it?

Anonymous said...

no claire and bridget, you're not very helpful cuz claire you had a bout a million spelling errors in that! ok actually two its died and communion no COmmunioon

and everyone, i did my splits! sorry, im just really excited about that

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone. um i think i understand why you guys are "orthodox". You guys are strong believers in christ i think. My mom is going to take me to church for the first time i can't wait. Is church fun, like do you sing songs, because that's what they do in movies. Thank you all

Anonymous said...

yeah hannah, like your comment was helpful! sheesh.

honestly, it depends where you go to church. at Prodestant churches they do alot of hymnal type singing.
at out church, and in other Orthodox churches, it's more chanting. that's a type of singing in a way. maybe i should let HANNAH with her AMAZING SPELLING (rolls eyes) explain it to you cuz i'm not much of a singer.
so yes we sing...sort of.

so are you just gonna go to church or an orthodox church or our church or what?

Anonymous said...

I don't know my dad says it is a catholic church. I wonder what kind of music they sing. After church what do you do? Like just chat around untill you leave? My mom says we are in something called lent and we are sopossed to "fast" on fridays and wednesdays. What is fasting, is it like not eating? Tomorrow will be my first day of church i can't wait. Is church fun? Thanks all of you.

Anonymous said...

dang, you have alot of questions. I'll try to answer them as best as I can.

I don't really know what music they sing in catholic churches but i'm pretty sure its chantingish like in Orthodox churches.
After church theres normally some sort of meal and peopele can talk and the like. of course since it's sunday you probably know all this by now.

Lent is the 40 day (or so they say, its really longer than that) period before Easter, or Pascha as we call it.
I dont knwo about in the Catolic church but in Orthdoxt e are supposed to not eat meat at ALL during those days. Well, technically were not supposed to eat dairy either but...
i suppose that if your mom says your supposed to fast on wed. and fri. then you dont eat meat or (maybe) dairy on those days. there are other fasting periods as well in the church calender. (oh, in case i wasnt clear "fasting" is not eating meat or dairy or whayever)

Now as to whether church is fun... I don't exactly know. i mean i suppose at first it is but the novelty wears off after awhile. so "fun" is not exactly the word i'd use. i mean church is nice but not "fun" in the way of videogames or whatever.

now i'm sure JOSH could explain it all better but he seems to have taken inot his holy little head to ignore me ::glares:: humph.

Anonymous said...

Hey I went to church, and it was cool. The best part was the singing, it was very cool. thanks for answering all my questions. I will probably keep posting just for fun. Who is Josh? Is he the leader of something or whatever? Well seeya by the way how do you get your names on the things? It would be cool if I could do that.

Anonymous said...

when you post a comment, you can choose an identity below where you type what you want to say. hit "other" and then type in your name.

josh is our youth group leader, along with his wife, clara. CLAIRE, the reason they haven't checked this is because they're prolly helping allie considering she's pregnant and was due on friday but hasn't had the baby yet. if anyone's with her, it's probably clara and josh and john r doing something like watching annika. because she's a handful.

and i think in the catholic church you fast every day except for like sundays or something. cuz one of my friends said you could eat whatever you are fasting from on sundays. also, in the catholic church you pick what you fast from.

Anonymous said...

I don't check this stuff on the weekend, and don't always have time to mess with it while at work, FYI. And Clara just started her new job and doesn't even have internet access yet. Not that we have to defend not posting in the comments.

I'm glad to hear "anonymous" had a good church visit. If you have serious questions about Orthodoxy, we could point you in the right direction, but I'm definitely not the best person to be asking. I'll do what I can to help.

Anyways, please do post your name so I don't think you're a parent testing us or Matthew still trying to figure out how to put his name on here.

Anonymous said...

okok, sheesh. i'm sorry. i had no idea the baby was coming and all. forgive me mea culpa....etc...

Bridi said...

just incase you don't get my email-
THANK YOU JOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!
i love meetings
claire don't even think what i know your gonna think when you see that

Anonymous said...

::looks innocent::
i have no idea what you mean...