Friday, March 30, 2007

Stay Tuned for Next Meeting

Sorry for those who missed last night's meeting, we missed you too. First we read a brief section of Great Lent and tried to decipher what was actually being said. We talked about secularism and "religiosity" and paradigms. After that, we decided to celebrate Jake Z.'s birthday by playing some freeze-tag. That was fun, but I'm too old for that stuff, so then the guys threw the frisbee around while the girls made fun of us.

We won't be meeting next week, or the week after, so be sure to check the blog for the next meeting time. Hopefully around that same time we'll be setting up the guys/girls night. No, we won't forget. Alright, that's it for now. Happy Friday!


Bridi said...

correction josh we might have a meeting the week after next :)

Anonymous said...

we wrent EXACTLY making fun of you...
yeah the meeting was dun.
i think we should have them outside more often. except that hannah kept moving her head so the sun got in my eyes! ::glares::

Anonymous said...

no i didnt!
haha. do you guys still want me to bring my flag to next meeting? or maybe my rifle?!?! if i order it...

Anonymous said...

you know to anyone whos reading this that doesnt know whats going on that comment would sound kind of weird "hey guys, should i bring my rifle to our Youthodorx meeting?"
::laugh:: but yes you should bring one or both.

Bridi said...

oh and josh
by you being to old for freeze tag did you mean you couldn't keep up?

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone, can't wait until next meeting =P. Anyways, who here is going on the dormition monastery trip? I think I might go, but I might have to go to camp that week. Can anyone briefly tell me about what we are doing with this campout at stone's house I forgot... Josh it would be kind of cool to actully go out and do the public sercive work of sorts thing. Well talk to yall later.

P.S. I don't think father would like it if you brought a rifle to church loaded or unloaded. I would run away if you brought it anyways *laugh*

Anonymous said...

okay evidently none of you know what a guard rifle is. a guard rifle is basically wood with weights that has a special tape (similar to electric tape) all over it. thats it! you can't load it! sheesh

Anonymous said...

i think only matt thought it was a real rifle...

i dunno whos going on the trip. (WHEN IS IT JOSH?)
i'm going, i think hannah, bridget, elena and maybe julia are going. i dunno about the other girls.

as for the boys james,jeremy, and jake almost always go but i dont know who else.

Anonymous said...

yeah matt. you may not want claire to take my "rifle" and shoot u with it. and a guard rifle, is 2 feet long. learn your guard material! sheesh

Anonymous said...

Why is it that i am the person that gets putdown? What did i do in the first place? When ever i say something you retort and say something mean. What's up with that? Have you forgotten that this is soppossed to be a church group where we should be nice to eachother and not say mean things. By the way i know that the anonymous person was bridget. Why can't you just plainly say matt the rifle i am talking about is not a real rifle. Sheesh you guys think you are all perfect and what not. Maybe I am wrong but atleast lay off the putdowns really. I bet Josh would say the same. Like that one guy sais in the litergy "Love one another with all our hearts unto christ our god"

That's all for me.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I definitely agree with Matt. Good grief, the guy can't say one word without getting blasted by about six girls on here. And I'd actually be a little worried if Matt did know what a guard rifle is. Who the heck knows that? I still don't know what a skirt is. So for pete's sake, leave the guy alone for once.

I know (or at least I really hope) you all are joking with him, but it does get a bit excessive. Why put down the only guy who actually tries to use this blog? Why put down anyone in our group? Or anyone, anywhere for that matter?

Anyways, I'm with Matt on this one. Plus you never know if someone is really struggling to fit in or whatever and I would be (pardon my French) pissed if they felt like they weren't wanted in our group. If that day ever comes, I'm outta here. Someone else can lead that kind of group.

"Be kind, everyone you meet is in a great struggle"

That's all for me.

Anonymous said...

josh, didn't you learn at camp that that is NOT french? im just kidding!!! gosh i didn't even say anything! i was just defending myself because i'm not gonna bring a real rifle to youth group!

Anonymous said...

but its funny when girls find a way to diss matt because at zionsville not a single girl that went there could diss someone even if you told them what to say.

Anonymous said...

i still cant believe that matt didn't find out how to put his name on this thing for 3 months

Anonymous said...

im not going to the dormishon monistary trip because i have a lacrosse game.

Anonymous said...

matt, just so you dont forget how to put your name up on this thing you:

1. click on OTHER
2. type your name in were it says NAME
3. and then you click on PUBLISH YOUR COMMENT

Anonymous said...

Jake- Thanks for the tutorial. Very informative.

Anonymous said...

youre welcome

Anonymous said...

Thanks Josh you really backed me up... I don't really have much to say at the moment but i should tell you that a visitor is comign sooooooooon. Anyways go to and go under search and type "treasure" and check it out. it is like a comic strip in joke form that james told on the way back form the boys retreat. i tried to put in another message but it didnt come but i home this one goes through.

thats all for now

Anonymous said...

now people be nice to matt. it's holy week, after all.

Anonymous said...

sheesh a girl says one thing and people get on her back.
and honestly josh, its very sad that you STILL dont know what a skirt is.

and as unholy as this might sound..that whole "this is church we should love oneanother" crap makes me laugh.
honestly, (and im not picking on matt) but matt, even you dont follow that rule (note the blog entry after he told us he was the anonymous person) so stop acting all victimized.

and yes this is all fun and games. you people are too sensitive.
people tese eachother!! live with it!!!

and josh, i think right now youre thinking that youre gonna need to give us a lecture on niceness and virtues and whatnot. my advice- save your breath.
i doubt it will effect any of us.
the thing about orthdoxy is that its so strict sometimes. the teens are given so many rules to follow about praying and fasting and God and stuff that they rebel in whatever way they can just to rebel.

now that ive got that long rant off my chest...

Anonymous said...

ok so basically if i hadn't asked if i should bring my (guard) rifle to youth group, none of this would have ever happened. i assumed that no one would have thought i even owned a real rifle but whatever

Anonymous said...

I think some of you guys'comments are rude on here...about josh "saving his breath" and how matt "doesn't follow the rule of loving one another".

all josh or matt or myself or anyone is trying to say...without making a huge deal or getting that be careful of what you say...yes, you can tease people sometimes...yes, you can joke and have fun...but have boundries...there's times when jokes can hurt people's feelings or when words can be taken too far...know when to stop.

and why are all of these thoughts and feelings about everything..and about "strict orthodoxy" and "rebelling" and whatever coming out all on the blog- and never in the group meetings? these are the things we want to talk about in group if they're things that honestly upset you or whatever.


Anonymous said...

to answer your question...i have no idea. i suppose its easier to put them in writin gthen to have to say them in front of everybodt especially with josh givong me that look ha has that tells me hes annoyed or disappointed or whatever at something i said.

but just so you people dont think im completely heartlyess- i AM sorry. i dont mean to hurt anyones feelings but i will say what i think and people will just have to live with it.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know I had a "look." I've always wanted one, so that's good I guess.

Whether or not I give a look, I would seriously LOVE IT if we could actually talk about this kind of stuff in group. I'm happy to talk about it here, but not everyone reads this blog. So the only reason I would give a "lecture" is so everyone can benefit from the discussion.

And I'm not mad at anyone, and I want to know if you guys are frustrated and feel like rebelling and feel like nothing I say will make a difference. That's fine, but please at least talk about it. If you want to rebel, great! But talk about it and do it with a purpose. Think about why you're doing it. Anyways, I could go on, but I won't. I really just want to ditto everything Clara said. We all need to be careful what we say and do.

And Claire, I hope you never stop saying what you think. I'll be more than happy to live with it. I just really wish we could talk about this stuff in group as well as on the blog. We'll see. Sorry if it comes off as a lecture. Lord knows I know nothing about half the things I try to talk about. That's why I need everyone to speak up and help in discussions. I'm in no position to offer up truths on my own.

Hannah has a rifle? Is that legal?

Anonymous said...

okay, josh...i dont wanna sound mean or anything, but we just posted like 20 comments on how i have a GUARD rifle and it's not real. let me repeat myself. a guard rifle is a piece of wood that has a big bolt on the top that acts as a weight (to help it go around and around and around in the air when i toss it) and it is covered with a tape similar to electric tape. i repeat: ITS NOT REAL

Anonymous said...

ok josh, (and every one else) for the last time, hannah has a GAURD RIFLE. that is not a real rifle.
it is 2 feet long and wooden with electric-like- tape al over it and a bolt on it! it can in no way shoot people!

Bridi said...

alright josh tell you what
i'll bring up the whole rebelling thing next meeting since i know exactly what claire is talking about as a bonus i'll even make claire take 100 deep breaths before she says anything
and josh apparently you missed like the first 5 blogs by hannah, matt, and claire- the rifle isn't real it is wood

Bridi said...

please say we're having a ,eeting this week
and may i suggest that if annyone has a complaint or rant like claire did for josh E-MAIL HIM

Anonymous said...

So if it's not a rifle, why is it called a rifle? Doesn't a rifle have to be real in order to be a rifle? I mean, that's like calling a dress a skirt.

Anonymous said...

ask hannah.

its not called a "rifle" its called a "GAURD rifle"
that extra adjective makes all the difference.

Anonymous said...

So, a "dress skirt" is really a dress?

Clara said...

I'll take a grey kitten for my birthday please.

Anonymous said...

Josh you are really funny and also in a spiritual way.........WIERD!

Anonymous said...

ok FOR THE LAST TIME. a guard rifle is called a rifle but im telling you its as guard rifle because that what you call it to ppl who dont know what you're talking about. and its called a rifle because it's shaped like the rifles they use in the military, because color/winter guard was founded in the military, that's why we do so many "tough" warm ups that make us look like we're in the military

and josh-theres no such thing as a dress-skirt

Bridi said...

well there are casual skirts and dressy skirts but that just depends on their fabric and cut
there are dress pants and things but no dress skirts
-dress pants are just fancy pants
-dressy skirts are just for more formal occasions
-skirts always fit around your waist and go down
(though i got this skirt in Bermuda that can be worn as a skirt or three styles of a dress)
- dresses hang from the neck, shoulders, or can be strapless but they cover your top as well as your lower half
anymore questions josh

Anonymous said...

um..clara that was random. when IS your birhtday anyway?

and who posted that comment about josh being funny and weird in my name.
cuz i didnt. i dont use caps...;)

Anonymous said...

and josh, just to clarify your questions up there that you posted that claire said to ask me about.

1) its called a rifle because it's shaped like a rifle they use in the military where guard originated

2)no, a rifle does not have to be a rifle in order to be a rifle. it's just shaped like it and they prolly spun real weapons at some point, but honestly. what sane school corporation is going to let 40 girls on a tarp with weapons they can shoot people with

and 3) its not like calling a dress a skirt. only you dont understand that

Anonymous said...

you know, i dont think that any amount of explaining is gonna help the dress/skirt issue.
very depressing that...
ah well.

Bridi said...

clara you have to promise josh won't get rid of the kitten
then we will seriously consider getting you one
i'm being serious
oh and josh you should let her keep it since she can't have a dog
women like companions (no insult intended but you're not with her every second)

Clara said...


I totally couldn't have stated it better. I don't get a dog so give me a dang cat! They're so simple and cuddley and cute! I'll take one please! A nice grey kitty! :) :) :)

Anonymous said...

well how are we supposed to know when to give it to you, if we dont know your birthday??
so when is it?

Anonymous said...

ok so how did we get from rifles to kittens? lol u guys r soo random......
and celery-yeah bridget...eight times he's asked me (but i said no)

Clara said...

my bday is next thursday...i think we're having our next !youthodorx! meeting next wednesday (right josh?)..i'll take my kitten then, thanks! :)

have a good weekend...cya guys soon

Anonymous said...

shoot!! now we have to figure out a way to get on ebefore then.
and i sure hope your nt joking cuz we're not.
um...i think.