Friday, April 13, 2007

Meeting this Wednesday!

We are planning on meeting this Wednesday, 4/18/2007. Plan on being there at 7:00 and leaving after 8:15, as usual. If for some reason we have to cancel, I'll post it on this blog and send out an email. Remember to be thinking of topics and we'll probably read a passage from a book of Clara's choice.

Does anyone else have an April birthday? She posted it in the comments, but if you didn't know, her birthday is the 19th. She'll be turning 18 and she wants a new car. Whatever you do, don't buy her a kitten. She hates cats because they smell, don't perform tricks, bring dead rodents to your bed, put hair all over the house, and generally don't provide much companionship.

Hope you're all enjoying this temperate and clement weather!


Clara said...

Haha! Josh was joking...kittens are the best animals in the world and Clara reallllly loves them and needs one in order to be accepted in life! Please buy her one, she'll be ever so happy!!!!!!!!
I think she likes grey be exact..

Don't forget...we'll have little cupcakes and brownies for Jake and my birthday.

Welp kiddos, I'll expect that cute little kitty and we'll see you soon!

Bridi said...

josh one we all know you are lying
second it's not nice or considerate to lie
-by the way thanks for setting up a meeting
-do you have the dates for the boy/girl meeting
-we are giving you a quiz wednesday on the skirt/dress/pants material i posted for you

Anonymous said...

haha josh! your wife is NOT turning 18!!
and dont worry clara, we're trying to get you a kitten!

Anonymous said...

also josh....the quiz will also include material over what a GUARD rifle is (GUARD-I REPEAT A GUARD RIFLE) so just a little review-its not a real rifle. its a piece of painted wood with bolts in it and electric tape all over it

sheesh! you would think people would get tired of hearing that 4 times......

Anonymous said...

ok now that the whole guard rifle thing has been solved and figured out [...hopefully...] no one comments on here so i thought i would.....
well here it is lol

Bridi said...

josh you are cruel and heartless
but we will get her one next year
we will have more time to plan everything out this way

Anonymous said...

to add on to what bridget said: MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!
thank you.

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone, I would just like to say I can't wait for the next meeting. Dr. Richardson thinks I am the king of the Blog because I, besides Josh, am the only boy who posts...

Anonymous said...

sorry everyone, but i cant make the meeting tonight because i have to work at aireborn from 5-9. claire and bridget, u better give josh a test over the rifle. just kidding....

....but on the plus side i threw a double!!

Bridi said...

Jake Z. gets my chair next week since I won't be there- james CAN NOT HAVE IT

Bridi said...

umm josh are you going to update the blog